I Empower Individuals to Live and Work By Design!
Ready to discover how you are designed to work and live?
Invest in a journey of transformation where we navigate the complexities of organizational growth together. Through our collaborative approach, we’ll help you identify challenges and desires, creating a clear roadmap toward your personal and team objectives and desires. With personalized support and tailored strategies, we guide teams through change management, fostering fulfillment, confidence, and lasting success.
Our Team Design service delves into personalized analyses, revealing individual and team strengths while tackling challenges head-on. Our focus on team cohesion and conflict resolution equips you with practical communication skills and problem-solving techniques. Experience the impact as you gain deeper insights into yourself and others, fostering authentic collaboration and company culture. Our service promotes inclusive decision-making processes, creating a more equitable learning environment.
Step up your leadership game with our Professional Development Mastermind, designed to help you excel in your organization. Dive into hands-on workshops where you’ll learn to confidently navigate challenges and unite your team towards a shared vision. Experience the impact firsthand as you boost your confidence, streamline transitions, and foster a supportive culture where everyone thrives. Rediscover your passion for leadership, maximize your team’s strengths, and achieve remarkable results together. Ready to elevate your leadership and re-engage your team? Join us and witness the transformation firsthand.
LaTia was asked to help co-facilitate an innovative program to support women entrepreneurs and BIPOC entrepreneurs across Los Angeles. This was part of a leading national effort funded by JPMorgan Chase. LaTia not only rose to the task, she helped to lead and inspire the program and the entrepreneurs with her optimism, diligence, and care. She helped entrepreneurs to deal with very difficult situations and became both a mentor and friend to many. I could not offer a higher recommendation for LaTia. She can ably tackle any task presented to her, and will grow and inspire others while doing so.
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